Help your teen become the leader who makes our world a better place.
As a parent, your focus is on providing your high school student with a nurturing environment that fosters their personal, academic and social development. Our unique, immersive approach to leadership training and social justice programming provides a college-level experience for socially conscious teens that enhances academic resumes and prepares them for success well beyond high school.
Why Choose Teen Think Tank Project?
Gain a Competitive Advantage. College admission counselors have identified five key factors in considering student applications: i) demonstrated commitment to worthwhile personal or community causes, ii) ability to handle college-level discourse/coursework, iii) personal essay, iv) letters of recommendation, and v) grades/class rank. Our innovative program has a direct impact on your teenager’s ability to develop and showcase 4 of the 5 key traits admission counselors look for in successful applicants.
Successfully Navigate Social Media. Your teen is inundated with intense social and political issues, like racism, religious freedoms and access to healthcare, that inundate their social media streams. Even though your teen cannot escape the bombardment of information, they can develop the skills to critically analyze information and communicate effectively, allowing them to successfully navigate the digital world.
Prepare for the “Real World”. Every parent wants to raise their children to become successful and productive members of society. Not all school curriculums incorporate robust personal and professional development curriculums or social justice education to adequately prepare students for higher ed and beyond. We provide advanced training that develops strong, confident leaders who are further advanced than other students within and a safe, support and innovative environment where students can explore their passions.
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