The Power of Positivity

John Wooden

Unraveling the History of 'Don't Let What You Can't Do Stop You from Doing What You Can Do'"

In the realm of inspirational quotes, few have resonated with as many people as the timeless maxim, “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do.” These words of wisdom encourage individuals to persevere, embrace their strengths, and overcome obstacles in their path. But where did this quote originate, and how has it shaped our understanding of resilience and determination? Join us on a journey through history as we explore the origins and enduring significance of this motivational saying.

The Origin of the Quote

Attributed to renowned motivational speaker John Wooden, the quote “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do” encapsulates the essence of his coaching philosophy. John Wooden was not just any coach; he was one of the most successful and respected basketball coaches in American history. Wooden’s coaching career at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) spanned from 1948 to 1975, during which he led the UCLA Bruins to an astounding ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period. His coaching style and philosophies continue to influence coaches, athletes, and individuals striving for personal excellence.

Wooden's Words of Wisdom

John Wooden was more than just a basketball coach; he was a mentor and a philosopher. His teachings extended far beyond the basketball court, emphasizing character, discipline, and perseverance. The quote in question reflects his belief in focusing on what one can control rather than dwelling on limitations. Let’s break down the key components of this quote and see how they align with Wooden’s principles:

  1. “Don’t let what you can’t do”: Wooden acknowledges that there are limitations in life. There are things we cannot control, and there will always be obstacles in our path.
  2. “Stop you from doing”: Despite these limitations, Wooden encourages us not to let them hinder our progress. Instead of becoming paralyzed by what we can’t do, we should keep moving forward.
  3. “What you can do”: Wooden’s focus is on action and the power of what one can achieve. He believes that individuals possess unique strengths and abilities that, when harnessed, can lead to remarkable accomplishments.

The Legacy of John Wooden

John Wooden’s coaching legacy goes beyond his impressive record on the basketball court. His emphasis on character development, integrity, and the pursuit of personal excellence has inspired countless individuals from all walks of life. His motivational quotes, including the one we’re exploring, continue to guide and uplift people in their daily lives.

Wooden’s wisdom also extends to his renowned Pyramid of Success, a framework that outlines the building blocks of achievement, with traits like hard work, enthusiasm, and friendship at its foundation. This pyramid has been used as a blueprint for success in various fields, from sports to business.

Applications Beyond Sports

While John Wooden’s quote originated in the context of sports, its relevance extends to all aspects of life. Whether you’re pursuing a career goal, navigating personal challenges, or striving for self-improvement, the message is clear: focus on what you can control and take action despite the obstacles.

In a world often filled with uncertainty and adversity, these words serve as a reminder that resilience and determination can lead to remarkable achievements. When individuals adopt this mindset, they find the strength to push forward, overcome setbacks, and accomplish their goals.


The quote, “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do,” embodies the enduring wisdom of John Wooden. His coaching philosophy, rooted in character development and personal excellence, continues to inspire individuals to rise above their limitations and focus on their strengths. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, an aspiring professional, or simply someone looking for motivation, Wooden’s words serve as a timeless reminder that success is within reach when you channel your energy into what you can do. Embrace your strengths, persevere through challenges, and let the spirit of John Wooden guide you on your journey to achievement.
