TTTP Alumni Spotlight: Meet Drexel’s Kamayani Richhariya


In this month’s Teen Think Tank Project’s Alumni Spotlight, we are pleased to introduce Kamayani Richhariya. Kamayani is not only a Sophomore at Drexel University, but she is also a Teen Think Tank Project alum, having served as a Research Associate in our Change Agent Academy’s 2022 Summer Research Cohort. 


At the Teen Think Tank Project, we are very fortunate to work with high-potential teens on a daily basis.  While every student who participates in our program exhibits the skills and aptitude necessary to chart a path of success for themselves, there are certain students who transcend traditional boundaries of intellectual curiosity and interdisciplinary exploration.  Kamayani Richhariya, an alum from our Change Agent Academy’s 2022 Summer Research Cohort is one such student.   

College Journey

Kamayani’s academic journey is a testament to her analytical prowess and hunger for knowledge.  Upon graduating from the Amity International School Vasundhara Sector 1 in Uttar Pradesh, India, Kamayani enrolled at UC San Diego’s Physics Department.  After spending a year in sunny California, Kamayani transferred to Drexel University where she is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Physics.  

Beyond the Classroom

During her time in college, Kamayani has had the privilege of serving as a student researcher at the University of Calgary and as a lab assistant at UC San Diego. These experiences have provided her with invaluable insights into the process of scientific inquiry and the collaborative nature of academic research.  However, it is perhaps her time spent as both a Summer Intern and Student Researcher at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, that truly highlights the depth of Kamayani’s intellectual curiosity and the scope of her ambitions. 

To NASA and Beyond

While at NASA, Kamayani had the opportunity to work on Photonics Integrated Circuits Based Hyperspectral Microwave Instrument, a cutting-edge project at the intersection of physics, engineering, and space exploration. Her contributions to this project not only demonstrate her technical proficiency but also her ability to tackle complex problems with creativity and ingenuity.

An Interdisciplinary Approach

What sets Kamayani apart from other young professionals is her willingness to embrace diverse perspectives and disciplines in her quest for knowledge. She believes that true understanding can only be achieved by examining the world through different lenses of culture, language, and academic inquiry. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches her own understanding but also fosters connections between seemingly disparate fields of study.

As Kamayani continues her academic journey, she remains committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Whether she is delving into the mysteries of the cosmos, deciphering the complexities of molecular biology, or exploring the nuances of language and culture, her passion for learning knows no bounds.  We are proud to call her a TTTP Alum. 
