News & insights

2024 Winter Change Agent Academy – Financial Security Research Cohort

Financial Security The poor don’t want some small life. They want to contribute, and they want to thrive. But poverty reduces people born for better things. Matthew Desmond, Author Our Mission Financial instability has always been a pressing issue for individuals who live below the poverty line, particularly those from underrepresented communities, such as racial…

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TTTP Alumni Spotlight: Meet Drexel’s Kamayani Richhariya

In this month’s Teen Think Tank Project’s Alumni Spotlight, we are pleased to introduce Kamayani Richhariya. Kamayani is not only a Sophomore at Drexel University, but she is also a Teen Think Tank Project alum, having served as a Research Associate in our Change Agent Academy’s 2022 Summer Research Cohort.  Introduction At the Teen Think…

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